My Dos and Don’ts for Getting Dads to Relax and Have a Good Time at Their Family Photo Session

A father plays with his sons for a photo session at Baker Beach in San Francisco, CA.

Not to single men out, but I’ve come across my fair share of dads who are less than thrilled for their family photo session. I think they have it in their minds that they have to act a certain way or that I’m expecting something from them. Quite the contrary, actually!

Read below for my top tips for getting dads on board for family photos.

The first thing I tell the dad is that I want him to ignore the camera and focus on his family. Once that pressure is off the entire mood changes. I give him compliments and encouragement, rather than directions, and I’ve also learned a few dos and don’ts to make sure we have a great time. Most dads are surprised by how easy, enjoyable and fun the whole experience is! He just might want to do it again! ;)

  • Don’t book a session on game-day. If your man is big into sports, make sure there isn’t a conflict.

  • Don’t choose a location that will have difficult parking, lots of traffic on the way, or that needs hiking a mile to get to. Keep it simple and stress-free.

  • Do make sure everyone has eaten beforehand. Even dads get hangry.

  • Do bring something that they can do with the kids like playing ball together, reading a book, looking for bugs…

  • Don’t ask everyone to look at the camera. I prefer if your family engages with one another instead of looking at me. At least in the beginning while we’re warming up.

  • Do give extra love, affection, and compliments. Some people feel a little shy about this, but if one person starts, it gives the other person permission to do the same.


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